Hi class. I am truly enjoying your posts and I am so glad that you are enjoying the blog! It is working the way I had hoped, and I love the conversation that can happen after school hours. Anyway, the following is for your Wednesday night homework. For "The Bet" we did a character study. That is, we studied dynamic and static characters and their function in literature. Our next story is "Love Orange." This story will be a study of symbols, specifically the orange as a symbol.
Your assignment is to answer the following on the blog...
1. Analyze the main character. How would you characterize her? What shapes her behavior?
2. What is the girl's belief about the orange? What does it symbolize to her?
3. Re-read the final scene. What is so significant about the scene (the door slamming on the hand)? What is the symbolic significance of the hand being slammed in the door?
4. When you were a child what were things that you believed in that you later lost faith in? How did that loss affect you? What perspective does this give you on the main character?
You need to have your posts in by 6am on Thursday morning. Thanks!
REMINDER: Friday your vocabulary and you lit terms are due! :)